Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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Data Retention Information

Security Statement

NSERC’s On-line System is a federal government information system. It is intended for use only by individuals participating in the preparation of applications for NSERC funding and those participating in the peer review of applications. System activity is monitored and unauthorized users risk prosecution.

All information that you enter in this electronic forms system will be protected in accordance with federal laws and policies. The system will be password-protected and accessible only to you. Your data will be transmitted to NSERC in an encrypted file format and stored in a database on a secure server at NSERC’s national office. This system will enable you to prepare, update and print your form(s) on a local printer and submit it electronically to NSERC, or to your institution’s authorities for approval and subsequent submission to NSERC, as appropriate. Once approved and submitted to NSERC, your data will be used as described in the Use and Disclosure of Personal Information Provided to NSERC.

Retention periods

Scholarships and fellowships programs

  • Applicants: Electronic forms that contain your personal data will be erased from the NSERC database after 18 months of inactivity.
  • Report/evaluation on the applicant: Data related to the report/evaluation is collected and used by NSERC only to enable you to prepare, update and print your report/evaluation on your local printer. This data will be deleted from NSERC's database after 18 months of inactivity. The hard copy report/evaluation bearing your signature becomes the official version.

Grants programs

Personal biographical data

  • Applicants will be able to access and revise their personal biographical data for use in preparing future NSERC applications. The data used to complete the Personal Data Form (Form 100) and its appendices will be stored in this system until eight years have lapsed with no updates, at which time it will be erased.
  • Reviewers will be able to access and revise their personal biographical data for use in future reviews. For reviewers who are also registered in this system as NSERC applicants, personal data will be stored until eight years have lapsed with no updates, after which time it will be erased. For other reviewers, the personal data will be retained for 18 months, after which time it will be erased.

Application data

  • Applicants: Data included in the Application for a Grant (Form 101) and in the Notification of Intent to Apply for a Discovery Grant (Form 180) will be erased after 18 months of inactivity.

Review of grant applications

  • Reviewers: Data related to the substance of your review is used to enable you to prepare, revise and print reviews on your local printer, and to electronically send a final completed version to NSERC. Two weeks after your review is completed and electronically sent to NSERC, the data is no longer accessible to you. Data left in the system related to either complete or incomplete files, or files not sent, will be deleted after a period of 18 months.