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2021 Research Grants Competition - Results by Institution

Université du Québec à Rimouski
Applicant name Program Title EG Term Amount awarded
Arseneault, Dominique
Biologie, chimie et géographie
RGPIN Tree-ring research in the eastern Canadian taiga 1506 5 $58,400.00
Calosi, Piero
Biologie, chimie et géographie
RTI Integrated platform for the characterisation of the seawater carbonate chemistry for Chemical Oceanography and Marine Global Change Biology 1606 1 $146,122.00
Deslauriers, David
Sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Institut des
RGPIN Fish bioenergetics modelling to estimate the required carrying capacity of a system 1503 5 $28,000.00
Didier, David
Biologie, chimie et géographie
RGPIN Arctic-subarctic coastal hazards and morphodynamics (AsCHMor) 1506 5 $25,000.00
Gosselin, Michel
Sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Institut des
RTI Acquisition d'un autoanalyseur d'éléments nutritifs pour la recherche multidisciplinaire en océanographie 1603 1 $138,593.00
Schneider, Robert
Biologie, chimie et géographie
RGPIN Linking forest structure to forest productivity using remote sensing 1506 5 $36,000.00